

New Work: The big opportunity for SMEs

26. August 2022|Digital workplace, Trends|

The way we work has changed a lot in the last 50 years. Where many companies used to focus on people as a means to an end, the focus today is on employee well-being and advancement. "New Work" is the buzzword of the modern world. Find out what it is and what great potential this change holds for SMEs in this blog post.

Blockchain – The New Future of Cybersecurity?

26. August 2022|Cyber Security|

With the emergence of cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin, the term blockchain is also becoming increasingly important. No wonder: a blockchain is a modern and extremely variable technology that can be used in a variety of ways. In this article, you will learn about the innovative possibilities it also offers for cybersecurity.

Microsoft and data protection – This is how secure MS Teams is

29. June 2022|Digital workplace|

The days of face-to-face meetings, shared offices and fixed working hours are over for many companies. It is therefore all the more important to create reliable digital paths for collaboration and the joint exchange of information. MS Teams in particular has proven its worth, as it allows chat, telephony and data transmission to be combined in the simplest possible way. But what about data protection here? We have taken a closer look at the Microsoft tool. 

Cybersecurity in Swiss SMEs – and what you need to consider

29. June 2022|Cyber Security, Cyber Security|

What safety measures do you take at home when you go on vacation? When it comes to your own home, you quickly know how to secure yourself well, but in the digital working environment, SMEs without a large IT department in particular seem to find it difficult to find the right solution for their security. We enlighten you about the challenges and present strategies as well as solutions.

The 6 biggest cybersecurity risks for Swiss SMEs

21. June 2022|Cyber Security|

In recent years in particular, Swiss companies have shown how flexible, modern and digital they can be. But with all new adaptions, the risk of cyberattacks also increases, which is why companies need to keep a closer eye on their cybersecurity. In this article, we will take a closer look at a selection of the 6 greatest cybersecurity risks for companies in Switzerland.

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