

Employee anniversary

27. December 2022|Dinotronic|

We are extremely pleased that Ralph is celebrating his 5th anniversary as an employee with us. We took this happy occasion to ask him a few questions about his time at Dinotronic AG.

Employee anniversary

27. December 2022|Dinotronic|

We are extremely pleased that Thomas is celebrating his 10th anniversary as an employee with us. We took this happy event as an opportunity to ask him a few questions about his time at Dinotronic AG.

Employee anniversary

27. December 2022|Dinotronic|

We are extremely pleased that Edgar is celebrating his 5th anniversary as an employee with us. We took this happy occasion to ask him a few questions about his time at Dinotronic AG.

Microsoft OneNote: The notebook that can do everything

26. August 2022|Digital workplace|

Jotting down a location, appointment or important name - notes are incredibly important in everyday work. But at the latest, when you have a pad full of confusing notes in front of you, the call for a digital notebook becomes loud. In this blog article, we present our favorite free tool for this: Microsoft OneNote! Find out here why it is so practical and what additional functions it offers.

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